Cam Latch Door System, Aluminum - Universal--add 3/4" ID aluminum pipe
Makes an entire cam latch system when adding a 3/4" ID aluminum pipe, for right hinged door or left hinged door. Aluminum pipe must be welded to handle and end pieces.
14 pieces. Consists of: One aluminum cam bar handle with bracket & grip, one stainless steel cam latch hasp; four aluminum pipe holder tops & four nylon pipe holder bottoms; one cam latch keeper, top & one cam latch keeper, bottom: one cam latch pipe lug, top & one cam latch pipe lug, bottom. This system is reversible for left door or right door. The cam bar handle and the rest of these parts can also be purchased separately below. We do not currently offer the same hasp.
Keepers & lugs are made of malleable aluminum, the hasp is stainless steel.
For bolt centers & other measurements, see separate related items on this page.